Andreas Dudas

How the wisdom of horses heals our world

How the wisdom of horses heals our world

In more than 2 decades, Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi has guided thousands of Leader:ins on the path to inner strength to heal the world.

In more than 2 decades, Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi has guided thousands of Leader:ins on the path to inner strength to heal the world.

As part of my own personal development, I first met Ariana in 2013 at her ranch in California to learn more about her amazing work with horses. In the course of a few days, I dived deep into my soul to learn a lot about myself through the wisdom of horses and also to initiate an inner healing process regarding fears and other blockages.

Ariana is a zoologist, healer, author of best-selling books and a visionary storyteller. Through her work, she has shown countless people and leaders how to unfold to their authenticity by combining the power of intuition with the wisdom of nature into a unique visionary model. Ariana founded her Sky Horse Academy back in 1989 and is considered one of the great pioneers in equine-assisted leadership and personal development.

In this podcast with an incredibly authentic and warm-hearted Ariana, you will learn

  • Why horses open the door to inner wisdom.
  • The most important leadership lessons from more than 30 years of experience.
  • How to deal with fears and other blockages and pave the easy way to our life mission.
  • what horses have to do with leadership.

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Imagine creating your legacy with newly unleashed levels of energy, implementation strength and self-fulfilment. A legacy that you will develop from the power of your purpose to sustainably make the world a better place.

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Get in touch with Andreas and take the first step towards realising your legacy.

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